Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Waiting for Glee

As the title explains it- I am writing this while I am waiting for Glee to load. I hate to admit it- but yes- I really do like Glee. However, about 90% of the time- I watch the show only for the music. The singers are really good- but the story line is beyond cliche. I am very glad that they did not go the "Indian soap opera" route of showing everyone crying in the hospital for Quinn for several episodes. That is just depressing- and quite frankly- I just want to watch a chill show, more focused on problems in high school. However, aren't the problems too exaggerated in the show? My high school experience wasn't drama free- but I can't imagine a high school actually having so so much drama, especially in one little group.
So let's continue to what I actually want to share today. 
First of all- I felt like a princess today! My mommy made the dress below, and I just felt so special wearing it today-with everything matching. I am not exactly a matching person- because I actually find matching to be  quite a boring habit- but I was running late, and could not come up with a more creative way to wear the dress. I tried to take pictures outside- but neither my sister nor I have enough photography knowledge figure out how to not make the figure all dark when everything is sunny outside.

 The below pictures are of peppers from our backyard. My family put in a pepper plant, along with several other plants which all basically died. We have tried so hard to keep things alive in our home- but I think we are just unlucky because anything from nature just dies as it comes into our home. I mean- flowers, including orchids, roses, carnations, and several green plants, and fruits. But somehow, I think the pepper plant did not get clued in by the other plants, so it decided to stay alive. The below pictures are of the first four things ever grown by us, in our home!!! We were so excited- you have no idea!!!

The garage door pictures from before and after! Can you tell the difference? Because I really can't- well only slightly. Nothing too exciting. Oh, and the official bug count on the garage door is eight. Eight which could not get freed from the paint. Silly bugs. But they are the really little ones- so it is not noticeable to anyone else (but me, unfortunately).

 Does anyone know why there was so much purple in the paint- when it was actually a green shade? When we opened the can, all we saw, even after mixing for a while was lots and lots of dark purple! We were so worried we that we might have picked out an incorrect color.

My lunch today was amazing- so I decided to take a pictures of it. My mom made amazing fried rice, and it was sticky enough- that I thought I could make little sushi rolls with it. I have lots of seaweed in my freezer because the mom of my darling Sharon gave them to me when I went to visit my friends at Emory during spring break! My mom never makes anything that goes with seaweed, and she never even makes sticky rice, so the seaweed has been sitting there, except for when I occasionally just eat a couple as a mini snack. I felt so oriental Asian today! :D

And don't worry- I noticed my dreadful nails too. I am hoping to paint them very soon. I think it has become a hobby of mine to scratch of nail polish, especially when I am nervous. 

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