Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Bar Buddies (Granola Bar, of course)

I think there must be something magical about granola bars. Every single time my mom has (I think accidentally) given me two granola bars- I have found someone who has mentioned that they either had or have a granola bar with them- and were craving one. It is kind of weird, right?
The first time was when I went to lunch with my old bus driver. She had not eaten since 9:30 in the morning- and since then- she only had a granola bar. And although "we" were having lunch, I was the only person eating. I am not sure why she did not eat. She said she was not hungry ( I really hope that was case- although I can't imagine not being hungry at 2 pm when I only had a granola bar since 9:30 am). So when I opened my lunch box, I noticed that my mom packed me two granola bars. So I offered one to her- and I think it made her happy.

The next time was when I met this amazing greeting cards writer on Friday. I was on my way to Sammy's (which is a place to eat on campus), and I saw this young woman selling really funny greeting cards. I stopped to take a look at them, and started speaking to the lady. She was just such a charming woman, and she had a very spicy sort of humor. I think what appealed to me about the cards was that she was not afraid to be offensive in her writing, and to speak some of the truth about things in life. I am not exactly one to give provocative cards to my friends (unless we are really close in think) but I really appreciated her skill because it is refreshing to hear honest comments about things in life. It is frustrating to live in a culture of constant euphemism. But that is another conversation to be had at a later time.

One of the card saying that I enjoyed, along with many others:

You know you're old when you catch yourself checking out a girl old enough to be your daughter
INSIDE SAYS:and you don't feel guilty about it
Happy birthday
 But my favorite one was: 

Thank you for teaching me how to tie my shoes • I’m sorry I dented your car • Thank you for teaching me to stand up for myself • I’m sorry for the time I painted your toenails while you were sleeping • Thank you for letting me make my own mistakes • I’m sorry for not listening when I should have • Thank you for all the sacrifices I never saw or understood until now • I’m sorry for keeping you up late at night worrying • Thank you for never pushing me away • I’m sorry for every time I pushed you away • Thank you for bedtime stories • I’m sorry that I was a brat when I was a kid • Thank you for loving me no matter what • I’m sorry for my entire surly adolescence • Thank you for trusting that I was listening even when I acted like I wasn’t • I’m sorry for painting the dog that one time • Thank you for being someone I have alwtays been able to look up to • I’m sorry for all the times I thought I hated you • Thank you for teaching me how to change a car tire • I’m sorry for all those times I rolled my eyes at you • Thank you for holding my hand even when I tried to shake it off • I’m sorry for charging my new tattoo to your credit card • Thank you for trusting me • I’m sorry for that tattoo (and the other tattoos you don’t know about) • Thank you for always, always loving me • I’m sorry for all the things I did that I will never ever tell you about • Thank you for knowing when to let me fail and when to help me • I’m sorry for putting gum in my brother’s hair even though he deserved it • Thank you for a lifetime of hugs • I’m sorry that I grew too old for bedtime stories • Thank you for showing me how to be a good father one day

Here's the really important part, what I want you to remember even if you forget everything else in this card
Thank you for being a good father
I'm sorry it took me so long to say it

I really wanted to purchase that card- but I had no cash. I felt so terrible. So I asked her if there was another way I could purchase the card- perhaps online, or the next time she returned.
Unfortunately- she will not return for months- but I do have her website:

I am warning you- it is not PG, or even PG-13 material. So please go on the website with caution.

As I was talking to her- she shared a lot about her life- and everything through jokes. It was all meant to be funny- but the harsh reality of her life was obvious. It is like if I came up to you and said- "so guess what, I got kicked out of school due to a misunderstanding so I am chilling at home. Isn't it awesome. I get to do whatever I want."
 I learned something about human behavior through her. She was not exactly positive, believing that things are just going to be "dandy" and perfect in her life, but she was not deep into depression either, sharing her sob story with everyone. It is the more positive way to deal with reality- and that quality really made me value her courage!
I really wished I could do something for her. But I really could not. You know how you see in movies where a random stranger meets the main character, and the main character shares their life story with the stranger, and in the end- the stranger turns out to be the answer to the character's problems. I was sad to realize that I could not be that magic answer for her! But I still wanted to do something for her in return for inspiring me and making me laugh with her jokes. I offered to buy her lunch, but she declined politely saying that she had a granola bar in her bag. But of course, being her funny self- she complained that it was a coconut granola bar- and she has bad memories with coconut flavored foods.
I didn't know how to respond- so I said okay and wished her a good afternoon. As I went to eat my lunch, I noticed that my mom packed me granola bars that day- and even better- two granola bars! So I got very excited and took one of my granola bars to her. I was hoping she liked chocolate better than coconut.

Those are my two granola bars stories. I know two events is not a large enough sample to be calling granola bars lucky- but I still think the occurrences were pretty cool.

Have a good night.

P.s: Sorry for the short writing hiatus. Finals are coming up- so I am freaking out.
But I will be writing a lot more when school is out. And I am visiting Pakistan during the summer- so I am hoping that my blog posts will contain interesting things. :)

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