Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Crazy Thing I Did Today

I went to my religious center, and when driving away- I wished for an opportunity to serve someone tonight. I know that sounds crazy- but I just really had the desire to help someone. Well anyway, I continued driving, and I didn't notice anyone that might need help- so I forgot about the idea, and continued home. But of course, opportunity came knocking. As I stopped at a traffic light, a homeless person asked for a dollar from me. I said I did not have any- because I really did not have any cash. So he asked for 50 cents. I said I did not have that as well. But at that time, I think I said that more because I really did not feel like turning around, and checking my backpack for any money. So I drove away. And of course- I had several sudden realizations. First- I remembered that I did have lots of coins in the small pocket of my backpack that I just noticed yesterday. Secondly- I realized that a human being just begged me for something- and I just denied it, ignored his plea and drove away. Just the idea of me being able to drive away, while he would be stuck on the streets made me wince (I know wince does not sound like the correct expression- but I really did wince). And my final realization- which made me kind of ashamed at my action- was that I myself asked for an opportunity to serve someone, and when nature/God provided me this opportunity- I simply forgot, and did not seize it.

So I ended up "guilt tripping" myself into taking a U-turn, and driving all the way back to the homeless guy, and giving him- what seemed like a dollar in coins.

You know what happened next that was simply very funny? He looked at the petty money I was offering him, looked disappointed, and asked if I had a cigarette.
I wanted to burst out laughing! I felt super silly- but I think my action became into a quick adventure, and now I think will remain as a fun memory to have. So I am not disappointed. Plus- my job was done. I did try to help someone, and I think the money I gave him, probably will help him, even if in some small way.

I'm using the almost archaic laptop (well- a bit of an exaggeration, I know)- so I cannot upload the picture of my bus driver from the prior post. But hopefully the next time I write, my sister will allow me to use her computer- on which it is much easier to upload pictures. 

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