Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Beauty of Ignorance

Don't you sometimes wish to stop thinking? To put the goggles away which force you to see the issues in the world? There seem to be so many problems that exist in society- that it is simply depressing to open your eyes and realize what is going on.
I generally try to think about the issues in society- but the list of issues continue on and on. Which issue should we care about- and which do we compromise? Should we just quit since solving all of these issues is simply impossible? But I wonder if a perfect society really is possible- because if it is- then we should fight till the end right? An even more daunting question: Are we already in a perfect society? I believe this society is both perfection, and a lost cause at the same time- depending on how ignorant you choose to be, and how optimistic you decide to be.
Some issues I was thinking about today:
  • I noticed how bifurcated our society seems to be- the affluent and the poor physically separated from each other, at almost every point in life. (Actually- I will be uploading shortly about the medical center, and the racial mixture there.)
  •  There still seems to be fear of other races- in the 21st century! It is not that I was not aware of racism- but I think I sometimes forget how deeply rooted racism still is in this culture.  I was more disappointed than angry with society because of the Trayvon Martin issue. How can we consider ourselves a free society? We are making huge advancements in medicine and technology, and yet, so many people are still so preoccupied with melanin? It is frustrating isn't it? And maybe this is the pessimist me speaking- but how do we fix this issue?  Or rather- is this issue fixable?
    • I forget how the saying goes- but something about letting racism die out- where the best manner to remove racism is just letting racists die away- since the younger generations are much more accepting. 
    • But my question is whether that belief is actually true. What we do not know- we fear. It is a most basic human quality. But Americans live so physically separated in terms of paycheck and ethnicity- that it will take generations for there to maybe be an equal mix- where the Caucasion will actually "know" the African American. How much longer can we wait?
  • I was thinking about the fear of being old and realizing that none of your dreams as a boy or girl came true. That you were so foolish in believing that anything would be possible- that you wasted your life away giving back to the people you love. I look at my parents, and always fear how their lives would have turned out if they were not always sacrificing and giving my sister and I everything we needed.
  • I felt really sad today about the prospect of spreading your hands to ask for money. What must that do to a person's ego and self-esteem? I saw a man asking for money from every single person waiting for the train. His hand went in front of every single person. I cannot imagine how it must have felt to not have gotten a single penny in return for sacrificing your ego. 
  • I wondered why no one ever sits next to another person on the bus and train- unless there are no longer any seats left. Why are we so afraid of proximity to a stranger? 
So as you can see- I did a lot of thinking today. And well- I became very depressed as a result.
It seems like so much of an easier solution to watch a sports game, and play some loud music about love (the topic of most famous songs I think). See, ignorance can be bliss!

But I would be lying to you if I said I would be content with such a life. The joy in life is realizing not just the issues, but seeing so many people working towards solving all these issues. So many nonprofits and organizations are still there in effect- and I observe people on a daily basis doing good deeds. There is beauty in effort for improvement. I don't know if the world will ever be a place where there are no issues. A perfect world seems problematic on its own. The beauty and perfection in our society comes from learning that although there are so many issues that need significant improvement, there are still freedoms and rights- which enable us to create a difference in our society through continuous effort and belief!

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