Friday, July 6, 2012

Laces and Dyed Scarves

Oh my goodness, the clothing making process is the coolest thing ever, and yet it is one of the hardest things to do! My friends like shopping with me because I can immediately look at an outfit and say if it is pretty or worth trying. However, here in Pakistan, it is a totally different story.

Outfits are generally made from scratch here. You first go to a place where you are sold printed cloth. So either you can buy one cloth, or you can buy multiple pieces of clothes to use for the same outfit, such as a cloth piece for the panels on the side, a different cloth piece for the back, top, or pant or scarf etc. After choosing the clothes for one outfit, you go to a lace shop and you buy different laces, velvet or silk or satin. If you want, you also need to go to a place for buttons for your outfit. If you want the outfit to be more fancy, you go to a shop to either buy a neck piece which is embroidered or you can give an order get a design embroidered either with thread or different beading. You also need to remember to get a sleeves, and decide if you want net sleeves or what sort of cloth you want for the sleeve. Then you need to go to a shop to get the scarf piece, and you have to go to a shop to get your scarf and sleeves dyed. You also need to get a cloth to make a chemise that matches with the outfit. So after all of that is over, you go to a tailor to stitch the outfit. At the tailor's shop, you give your measurements and bargain the price.
And the issue with tailors is that they take forever in making the outfit, and take at least an extra week or two and lots of visits before they finish your entire outfit. Everyone here is always complaining about tailors. One of my aunts is always taking food for the tailor and stopping by to say hello. So I asked her why she randomly worried so much about getting snacks to the tailor, and she replied that it is to butter him up so he would stitch clothes for them faster!

This is a skill I do not have, and a hassle I am incapable of dealing with. I do not know how to imagine an entire outfit in my mind, from buttons to the dyed shades and patterns of the scarf, and I have no idea what the difference is between lawn and cotton and linen and silk and all the billion types of clothes.

I tried taking the long process to get clothes made with lots of help from my aunts and cousin, but all that thinking really gave me a headache. So now, I have been going to places where I can buy ready-made outfits. But even those I have go give an order for and they have to get made according to my size.

It is a hassle, but at the same time- isn't the whole idea of an outfit you designed yourself from scratch the coolest idea ever? 

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